Thank You so Much to Our Wonderful Volunteers & Sponsors!

Thank You

Special Thanks to:

  • Barb – for making sure SCFS is up and running. The heart of it all. THANK YOU BARB!
  • Rob and Nickie For all the hours, days, suggestions, and ideas that came to fruition in their creation of our Website.
  • Sean F. for the upkeep of the website as well as for adding/removing the cats for adoption.
  • All of our wonderful volunteers help out by taking care of all our kitties at PetSmart.
  • Catherine & Einar for being there 24/7 when the House Kitties needed you!
  • Sue Rountree – for their wonderful work of TNR.
  • Cynthia for all of her amazing coordination in fostering/ getting these cats adopted! She has a MAJOR part in saving so many cats’ lives through SCFS!
  • Boe, Judy, Catherine & Einar, and Taylor for all the fostering of animals you help us with.
  •  Maria and Boe – for volunteer driving to and from veterinary hospitals.
  • Crystal H. for running our Facebook page so well and taking photos of our cats for adoption so that they are adopted quicker.
  • Sophia for coming to Petsmart to care for the kitties SO often! They love her. Sophia helps our cats in so many ways. From buying cat towers and food to just showing them the love they deserve.
  • HUGE Special thanks to all the PetSmart Managers and Employees for all the help.

Thank You to all of Our Corporate Sponsors!

We could not survive without the generosity of the public and this year was made just a little bit easier by some wonderful donations that were recently made.